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It's no place for an ordinary citizen to live - or is it? In fact, Schoenbrunn and several other sta ...
2 year agoI like to have some italian penpals for language exchange and share some times to know more about th ...
2 year agoIf you could live anyone’s life for a week, who would it be? #penpalsquestion #penpalquestion # ...
2 year agoHas anyone ever mistaken you for someone else, only to do something they regretted because of it? ...
2 year agoMost expats will need a short-term visa or a work visa, depending on the purpose of their stay. Pr ...
2 year agoThe life on Hormuz is still very much traditional; all people are centered in the main and only vill ...
2 year agoMoving to Iceland as a United States citizen is possible. However, what the country allows is pretty ...
2 year agoEnglish-speaking Quebecers, also known as Anglo-Quebecers, English Quebecers, or Anglophone Quebecer ...
2 year agoWho can buy a property in Goa? Well the answer is simple; a resident of India but not residing in Go ...
2 year agoNo, pharaohs did not reside in pyramids; they were constructed and used for the purpose of monumenta ...
2 year agoThe Hanging Gardens of Babylon are the only one of the seven ancient wonders for which no one knows ...
2 year agoAnswer and Explanation: The Empire State Building does not have any apartments or residences, althou ...
2 year agoTwo people have committed suicide by jumping off the statue, one in 1929 and the other in 1932, whil ...
2 year agoAnswer and Explanation: The Empire State Building does not have any apartments or residences, althou ...
2 year agoThe Empire State Building observatory is open 365 days a year, 8 a.m.-2 a.m., with the last elevator ...
2 year agoOnly Llamas live in Machu Picchu Today. Machu Picchu has been a protected area and a World Herita ...
2 year agoMachu Picchu Altitude Sickness Deaths A handful of deaths caused by altitude sickness have occurr ...
2 year agoThe pilots were able to fly their burning Black Hawk away from Aideed's turf to the more UNOSOM frie ...
1 year agoSOMALIA - AVOID ALL TRAVEL The security situation in Somalia is extremely volatile and the threat ...
1 year agoBurnie Anthony escaped in 1963 and Robert Huziar in 1979.Sep 14, 2009 ...
1 year ago