The standard way to say “hello” or “hi” in Thai is สวัสดี (Sa-Wat-Dee). Thai uses gender-based polit ...
2 year agoThe Persian word “Salam” means “Hello”. You can also say "Dorud". #iran #persianlanguage #languag ...
2 year agoMeeting and greeting people in Qatar The most common verbal greeting in the Persian Gulf countrie ...
2 year agoMerhaba (Hello) is probably the most well-known Turkish greeting, and for good reason. As you can't ...
2 year agoSicily is an Italian island, so Italian is the spoken language. Hello – Ciao. #sicilian #italy ...
2 year agoThe tiny principality of Monaco lies to the north of Nice, with barely 12 miles (20 km) of Mediterra ...
2 year agoWhen we compare the travel costs of actual travelers between Nice and Monaco, we can see that Monaco ...
2 year agoMonaco, a sovereign city-state on the French Riviera, is known as a "Billionaires' Playground." The ...
2 year agoGorgeous and glittering Monaco is a tiny royal principality on the French Riviera. Less than two squ ...
2 year agoIn addition to tax benefits, the rich also like Monaco for its lifestyle. The combination of balmy w ...
2 year agoMonaco has no army and air force, but has a small coast guard consisting of 3 small patrol boats arm ...
2 year agoThe traditional one: La Bière de Monaco Three exceptional beer flavours are available: Blonde de ...
2 year agoMonte Carlo is, without a doubt, Monaco's iconic area. It is most famous for its Formula Grand Prix ...
2 year agoMonte-Carlo, resort, one of the four quartiers (sections) of Monaco. It is situated on an escarpment ...
2 year agoGreetings in French You can say: Bonjour, Monsieur (to a man) and Bonjour, Madame (to a ...
2 year agoThe Eiffel Tower—or as the French call it, La Tour Eiffel—is one of the world's most recognizable la ...
2 year agoNo ,The Eiffel Tower is the eldest. The tallest tower is Burj Khalifa (828 metres) and the shorte ...
2 year agoThe Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 Exposition Universelle, which was to celeb ...
2 year agoThe Eiffel Tower Built in 1889 for the Exposition Universelle, the Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) has b ...
2 year agoIts design and beauty, especially as it glows after dark have made it one of the most visited monume ...
2 year ago