Hey there! I'm a stay at home mom with 4 kids (two that are step-kids but I love them all the same). I enjoy reading, writing, watching movies, k-dramas, listening to music, and going out for walks every day (unless it is rainy and cold). I'm a bit of a nerd and enjoy cosplaying. I love getting to learn about other cultures, especially those in east Asia. I've had a fascination with Asian culture ever since I was in Grade School. I pray that one day God will give me the opportunity to go on a missions trip to somewhere in Asia, but I'm not holding my breath. So far I have not been called to over seas missions, but instead to serve alongside my brothers and sisters on the Worship team at church. I'm very excited to write to new friends so if you would like to talk, please let me know. I'd love to exchange things about our cultures and food and just getting to know people of all walks of life. Hope you all have a bless day. God Bless.