Hello Viewer: My name is Luis and I am a 52 years old Latino-Hispanic man, but most people don't believe my age because I look young. I am from the Caribbean island known as PUERTO RICO, which is part of America. I live in NEW YORK STATE. I am a Certified Professional Counselor working within a New York State Prison. I provide group counseling, one-on-one counseling, and educational and therapeutic seminars to inmates. I have been coaching, mentoring, training, teaching and counseling men for over 25 years. I lead and facilitate a biweekly Men's Group for men who are committed to personal growth and positive Brotherhood. My purpose here is to connect, to learn, to enjoy, to explore, to have fun, and to develop New Male friends through this site and via Email messages and other communication means. My interests is in MALE friendships on different levels. I am NOT seeking or desire any serious romantic relationship.