Hi my name's Zach, I'm 30 years old and I've joined this pen pal search engine site to find people who are out there still in the real world, due to this savage viral invasion that's holding our whole entire planet hostage. The girl that you see in my profile picture with me is my girlfriend/hopeful fiancee, her name is Meghan. I've been known to talk quite a ton with her on my home as well as cell phone, but I need like maybe a little bit of virtual travel trip as well as almost like virtual breath of a fresh air. Whether it's American or international over seas. I really really really really really hate being held hostage, literally and figuratively by a virus, a virus that the news 'claims' is a pandemic (yeah right more like epidemic). I love true crime/monsterous true crime buff, I have 2 dogs and 1 cat, I love to be on YouTube a ton and watch reaction videos, belly dancing clips, movie trailers, music videos, etc. email: Zacharystrei@gmail.com