Is it normal for a 13 year old girl to have a penpal and if so, how do I go about finding one?

Is it normal for a 13 year old girl to have a penpal and if so, how do I go about finding one?

Hi. I used to email my cousin regularly cause he was out of state, but we kinda lost touch. 

I enjoyed having a penpal or email buddy. I am not much of an actual writer, so I prefer the emailing vs. letter writing. 

Does anyone still do this? Especially at my age (13)? 

And if you don’t have family to write too, is there any suggestions on how to get a email friend?

Having a penpal is absolutely normal and a great way to make new friends and learn about other cultures (if they are in a different country, that is.) I am 22 and I have several penpals that I write almost daily. These people have all become very dear friends =) 

The best way to find a penpal is to go onto a forum about something you like. Whether it be Fan fiction, gardening, a tv show, etc. and just send some one a message. Find a common ground with someone to talk about. 

Just for example- I have personally met (most) of mine through fan fiction and all I did was tell them I liked their story. An artist loves feedback, so people will typically respond and be happy to chat. I also write my own stories and have met several great people from them liking my own story. I even met my girlfriend because she loved my work =) 

I hope this helps, and good luck!
It’s within the realm of normalcy, yes.

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  1. Hi hi. Im Thiseni . From Sri Lanka . I m also 13 years old . I like to be a pen friend of you . If you like please ddrop a whatsapp masseege . 0718201818

  2. I want 13 year old girl pen friend . I m also girl and 13 years old. 0718201818 . If you like please drop a masseege

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